Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to general questions about our products and their functionality.

Will Formulate work within our local IT system?

Formulate for Adult Social Care is actively used in a number of different national IT providers’ systems, including System C (Liquidlogic) LAS, Servelec Mosaic, Advanced CareDirector and OLM Carefirst.

Wherever possible, we work closely with suppliers to ensure that the integration solution is as seamless and feature-rich as each system allows.

If your local authority is using an IT system which is not currently compatible with Formulate, we can:

- Discuss with you how Formulate could be built in, including participating in conversations with a 3rd party supplier where relevant.

- Set your local authority up to use Formulate via our very simple web-based ‘CareCalc’ platform - which can work alongside your main system either long-term or as an interim solution if a change in main system is anticipated. CareCalc captures system IDs only (no identifying data about individuals).