Frequently Asked Questions

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How many organisations use Care Partner?

Twenty organisations in total currently use Care Partner – in some diverse use cases!

Health boards and mental health services in Scotland and Wales use Care Partner for assessments, care plans and managing the service user journey.

Private providers in the UK use Care Partner as an electronic care record and our in-built assessment tools and Care Planning for specialist services, including mental health, eating disorders and dementia.

Jersey Health and Social Care use it as a single assessment platform for adults across health and social care as well as using Formulate (in partnership with Social Security) to allocate long-term care budgets for eligible service users.

Southampton Carer’s Centre use the platform to manage their carer’s assessments and support plans.

CCGs across England use the platform to access our Formulate models for estimating Personal Health Budgets.

The University of Limerick is piloting Care Partner to record data about diabetes within schools.